Junior Gabe Landon is taking a BeReal at a volleyball game with some of the Carterville Crazies members.

Alyssa Nausley, Staff Writer

Many kids use BeReal anywhere and anytime. It is an app that one can get on any phone. Sophomore Kaitlyn Pinkston explains how BeReal works, by saying, “When you take a picture, it shows the other side of you and what you are doing. I think a lot of people use BeReal in our school. I would change the time they give so that you have unlimited time. I would want unlimited time because they might be busy at the time they give.”

 BeReal is the simplest photo-sharing app used to share what is happening once a day in your life in a photo with friends. Every day at a different time, BeReal allows users to capture a photo within 2 minutes. Freshman Emma Burzynski says, ”I do like the app BeReal. I also like the setup because it is pretty easy to understand how it works and it allows me to see what my friends are up to.  Personally, I think they give us enough time to take a picture because BeReal is an app to show what you are doing at that moment. So 2 minutes seems okay to me.  If I could change one thing, it would be the RealMojis. I wish there were more default options.

Some CHS students do not care for this app. Junior Aiden Hinton says, BeReal is an overrated app. You take one picture a day and then just wait to see if anyone will react to your picture. The setup is just like Instagram but 10 times worse. BeReal, at first, was really fun, and I would always look forward to posting a BeReal. But now, after having it for 4 months, it’s been boring. If I could change one thing about BeReal, I’d make it to that people can take videos or pictures.”

 BeReal is just like any other social media app, and it can be safe for students to use if they are careful. Senior Callie Russel says, “It’s a lot like any other social media app. It just depends on who you follow and whether you trust them or not. Overall, BeReal I would not say it is completely safe it is just like any other social media app.”