CARTERVILLE– The Carterville Lions blocked out the Carmi Bulldogs across 8 innings, ending with a final of 11-5.
The beginning of the game left Carterville fans hopeful as The Lady Lions lead in the 2nd inning 1-0. Following that, Senior Kendall McCalla brought in 2 of her teammates, leaving the score 3-0.
Continuing throughout the next few innings, Carterville brought home girl after girl, starting the 5th inning with a score of 0-9 Lions. In the bottom of the 5th, Carmi started their comeback, running in 4 of their girls; finishing the 5th with a score of 9-4 Lions.
While the 6th inning seemed rather uneventful, the 7th pushed the Lions further in their lead over the Bulldogs, going into the 8th with a score of 11-4.
Carmi pushed back one more time in a failed attempt to overcome the Lions, finishing out the game at 11-5.
When asked how he thinks his players did during the game, Coach Will Capie answered, “[Emilyn] Ford came out in the circle today and it was very good. I thought the offense was spectacular today, we put a lot of balls in play.”
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