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Final Cheers: A Senior Tribute

Senior CHS cheerleader Mercedes Levesque shares her most memorable moments on the squad.
Senior Mercedes Levesque performs school song at a home basketball game.
Senior Mercedes Levesque performs school song at a home basketball game.
Madison Gilkerson

As the winter season begins to come to an end, many sports do too. Seniors in sports such as cheer, dance, basketball, wrestling, and so many others must move ahead in the next chapter of their lives. Senior cheerleader Mercedes Levesque is not exempt from this narrative, but she leaves with a plethora of stories to tell.

“I remember going to my older cousins’ games to watch her cheer in Nashville, and I was hooked from there! When I got into junior high, I knew I wanted to join the team, so I worked hard and made that dream a reality!”

Throughout her 7 year cheerleading career she achieved at Carterville, Mercedes has encountered highs and lows. She recalls her favorite moment being when, “We got 3rd at state my freshman year. The team that year was so close and getting to walk the podium my first time competing at state was an experience I will forever be grateful for!”

The Carterville High School cheer team has qualified for state, 10 consecutive years. Due to this, some pretty strong bonds have been formed and teamwork has made an incredible difference in the squad’s environment. Junior member, fellow all-state cheerleader, Charlotte Williams shared, “Mercedes is so kind and optimistic, which I have always admired about her. A leader that is willing to put others before themselves is rare and she fulfills that completely.”

As last words of wisdom, Levesque has a virtuous piece of advice for any future cheer members that come through the program, and that is to, “HAVE FUN! I always say Carterville Cheer is not like any other team, it’s a big commitment. So remember to find the good in every moment.”

Looking ahead, Mercedes plans to attend Southern Illinois University Carbondale and study nursing. She “has a few visits with the cheer team there lined up and will be trying out in April.”

Senior Mercedes Levesque cheers at the first home football game of the season. (Lucy Gossett)
About the Contributors
Marlee Rosenbery
Marlee Rosenbery, Staff Writer
Marlee is a junior at Carterville High School. She is on the school dance team and is involved in numerous clubs such as Student Council, Educators Rising, Student Leadership Council, and Interact Club. In her future, she wants to study Elementary Education and become a teacher.
Lucy Gossett
Lucy Gossett, Staff Writer
Lucy Gossett is a freshman at Carterville High School.  She has four siblings. She loves to play with her two- year old brother, and the rest of her siblings. This is Lucy’s first year in High School Publications and is a staff member. Some of her hobbies are shopping, doing pageant, and spending time with her family. She is hoping to go to college, and become a teacher or a physical therapist.
Madison Gilkerson
Madison Gilkerson, Staff Writer
Madison Gilkerson is a freshman at Carterville High School and her first year in H.S Publications. Her hobbies are paintng, drawing, take photos, bothering  her siblings. She wants to go to college, she wants to be Pediatric Nurse since she loves kids and helping people. She has 4 siblings and she loves all of them but her older one is her favorite.