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A Day in the Life at Carterville High School

A firsthand account.
Carterville High School students leaving school at parent pickup.
Carterville High School students leaving school at parent pickup.
Abby Hovenga

When I arrive at school, I usually get there around 8:00 AM when the bell rings, and I head to my locker where I meet up with my friends. I then grab my stuff and walk my friend, Kylie, to her first hour class. “I’m sad that we don’t have hardly any classes together, but I’m happy we get the opportunity to walk with each other to some classes,” says Kylie.

Then I head upstairs with my other friend, Kaylin, to my first hour class, which is driver’s ed. Driver’s Ed with Mr. Hawkins is usually just us watching videos and taking notes on our Rules of the Road book.

Then when the 8:57 bell rings, I head to my second hour study hall with Mrs. LaBotte. I usually keep up with my school work, so I normally just sit and play on my Chromebook the whole hour, except for the one day when I miss school and realize I have a bunch of assignments to make up.

After, I head to LEAD with Mr. Emrick, where we do completely different things every week, but this week we’re watching Toy Story and going over characters’ green (good), gray (okay), and red (bad) traits.

Then, I head to H.S. Publications with Mrs. Dorris where we go over who will be taking photos for upcoming school events, such as homecoming where I took lots of photos for of the pep rally, parade, and football game. But other days, we’ll go over the yearbook spreads and newspaper articles.

After publications is power hour, where all the grades go to lunch for 30 minutes and after those 30 minutes we can either go to classes for extra help in a subject, club meetings, or hang out in the cafeteria or gym with your friends. Usually, power hour is me walking around with my friends and being dumb. On Mondays and Fridays, we have advisory where we will go to our advisory teacher for the first 30 minutes of class and hang out, play games, go over the week’s announcements, etc while the juniors and seniors have lunch and then we’ll switch at 12:01.

After lunch, I go back upstairs to Mr. Towers’ class for Algebra I, which really isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. We usually have skills assessments every other day, which is just four questions that we try our best on and we’ll go over the answers and see what we did wrong the next day.

Next, I have English I with Mr. Cure where we will read, annotate a story, and do assignments over it for a few days and eventually move on to another story. Although I don’t like having to do the work, class is still not too bad since there are a few students who had siblings in his class before, so they’ll make jokes or say weird and random stuff such as “My parents always favorited him. He just had open heart surgery, he’s fine.” – Mr. Cure

Lastly, I have Physical Science with Mr. Boyer where we get to work in groups to do fun assignments, such as this week we’re working on building a mousetrap race car, which was surprisingly easy to build even though my group didn’t win the race.

This is my day in the life at Carterville High School.

Abby Hovenga

About the Contributor
Abby Hovenga
Abby Hovenga, Staff Writer
Abby Hovenga is a freshman at Carterville High School. Abby is trying to get into multiple clubs here at CHS such as Student Leadership Council, Interact Club, and Carterville Crazies. She likes hiking, playing pool with her dad, and hanging out with friends. Her favorite drink is sweet tea and her favorite snack is Doritos, although it changes all the time. She also has a cat named Elsa, because she loves cats.