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Tigers Volleyball Take the Win Against Lions

Tigers Volleyball Take the Win Against Lions

CARTERVILLE – Last night, Lions’ volleyball hosted a game against the Herrin Tigers, ending in a Lion lead of 25-20 in the first set, then an unfortunate defeat of 25-18 and 25-21 in the second and third.

The Carterville Lions started strong in last nights’ first set against Herrin. The girls’ upbeat energy and strong teamwork brought the Lions to a leading score of 25-20 at the end of the first set.

However, the tables turned in the second and third sets. A series of errors and depletion in team morale allowed the Tigers to catch up with a score of 25-18 in the 2nd set, and 25-21 in the 3rd.

When asked what dynamics and factors changed that caused the Lions’ collapse in the last two sets, head coach Nathan Emerick said, “I think the big thing was in the 1st set we played pretty clean and we super aggressive and I thought in the 2nd and 3rd set we played hard, we just didn’t execute super well and I felt like we were kind of on our heels a little too much and just didn’t execute the way we needed to.”

The Carterville Lions’ volleyball team will be playing next Tuesday (Sep 24) at Harrisburg To keep up with all things Carterville Athletics, be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter (X) @CartervilleAth.

About the Contributor
Charlotte Williams
Charlotte Williams, Sport Reporter
Charlotte is a junior who competes on Carterville High School's cheerleading team. She thoroughly enjoys listening to Mariah Carey's Christmas album on repeat and profusely crying when Carey hits the "you" in "All I want for Christmas is you."