Finding the Right Activities for You!

Freshmen Hannah and Hayley Dueker at Future Freshman Club Night talking about the LEAD class to the incoming freshmen and families.

Fallon Carney, Staff Editor

CHS has many students involved in a variety of different activities. Not only has Carterville athletic dominated student participation, there are tons of clubs and organizations for students who are not involved sports to join. CHS offers at least 21 clubs and organizations throughout the year. Here’s an inside look into what these clubs have to offer. 

The CHS Lionite yearbook categorizes the clubs and organizations into four subheadings to make it easier to know what the clubs revolve around. These four categories are Leadership, Business, Lifestyle, and Learn. 

First on our list are the leadership clubs. These clubs include Interact, National Honor Society (NHS), Student Council (Stucco), and Student Leadership Council (SLC). While all these clubs are academically student based, each is different. 

Interact club focuses on getting out and serving in the community. Club sponsor, Mrs.Martin, finds local events and causes for students to get involved in. Interacts has multiple events throughout the year such as, Duffle Bags for the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and the annual Easter Egg hunt for Gumdrops for Kids. 

NHS is a group of students being recognized for meeting high academic achievements. The four pillars that must be met to be accepted into this group are character, leadership, service, and scholarship.  Admitted students must uphold a 3.5 GPA, perform 20 or more service hours per semester, and be an active leader both inside and outside of the classroom.

Student Council concentrates on taking the students’ ideas for the school and helping them come to life. The club often plans and hosts special events and dances for the student body to enjoy. STUCCO plans the annual valentines day banquet for senior citizens in Carterville, as well as the Homecoming dance and week activities. 

The Student Leadership Council, much like STUCCO, spent this school year focused on serving the school and creating memorable opportunities for students and teachers alike. SLC continues their tradition of passing out Skittles on national candy day and delivering Crush sodas and sweet tea for Valentine’s Day. 

Moving to the business clubs at CHS, these clubs are for the students who want to work in the business industry, either as CEO’s, politics, or just for practice with professional encounters in the future. 

Future Business Leaders of America, also known as FLBA, is a club for those who want to take their future into being a part of a business. Whether this means they want to be high up in a company as a leader or owner, or just as a worker in a professional industry. 

Youth and Government (YAG) is pretty self explanatory as it is a club that is focused on politics and the government. YAG talks about ways to improve speech, along with writing and passing bills, and seeing what it takes to have a bill be passed or vetoed in the government world. 

Scholar Bowl is the final business based club at CHS and is under the direction of Ms. Owens. Scholar Bowl is for students who like a good challenge and healthy competition between fellow classmates and peers. Scholar Bowl competes with other schools around our region to see who knows the most information about different topics that aren’t generally talked about in everyday conversations. 


Next up, we have the lifestyle clubs and organizations. These clubs are focused more on improving student’s lives and school experiences. Many of these clubs are student led and predominantly focused on what students need from CHS in order to have the best high school career they can. 

First on our list of lifestyle clubs is the LifeSavers club. Lifesavers supports student’s mental health and serves as an outlet for anyone who needs anything with their personal struggles or anything that is going on in their life. Senior Gia Maring says, “everyone goes through some things at some time and it’s a way for people to come together with their peers.” Lifesavers is sponsored by  Senora Eaten. 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a club for students to meet and discuss while also learning about their religion. FCA allows students to further their relationships with God but also fellow members of the club. 

Family Community Consumer Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a club sponsored by Mrs. Blumenstock. FCCLA is tied with the consumer education classes. FCCLA is also big on volunteer work in and outside of school. They have helped with the Valentines Day Banquet by working the coat check for the guest in attendance and have provided snacks and drinks for the audience to enjoy during school productions. FCCLA also annually hosts a penny war to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. 

The Art Club is sponsored by Mr. Breeden. They volunteer to help make different props for events held at the school and for the community year round. In addition, the Art Club creates decorations for the school dances and productions. The club also paints backdrops for the plays and musicals. Junior Rosa Scott said “building sets for the plays and musicals and school events were by far my favorite part of the club this year.” 

The Video Game Club was created by Mr. Coleman to help get more students involved in school activities. Before this club was created, many students felt they didn’t have a place where they could be themselves but Mr. Coleman’s club has given them this safe place to express themselves. “It was nice to be able to do an activity with someone that shares the same interest in this activity as me,” said Cosmo Gustavson (12). 

The Carterville Crazies is a student-led organization who support other students at the high school. The Crazies is most commonly known for the support of athletic teams through the student section.They develop themes for big games and also cheer on the student athletes. The Crazies are sponsored by Mrs. Bittle and Mrs. Hawkins, who love to support all the athletic teams as their sons are very involved in Carterville Athletics. 

Coming into the learn category of the clubs at CHS, many of these are education based. This category holds clubs like Science clubs, Spanish club, Educators Rising, and healthcare field clubs. 


First up on this longer list of learn clubs is the ACES team. The ACES team led by Mrs. Burzynski, is composed of students who excel in several core subjects. The team travels to the sectional and regional meets to compete for a chance to go to state. 

The science club is self explanatory about science. Mr. Dunn is the sponsor for the Science club and he enjoys being able to share his interest in science with the students in the club. 

The rocket club is always experimenting with different techniques to make their rockets fly. Mr. Dunn also sponsors the Rocket club. Many students who share an interest in science often join the Rocket club as well. Whether it be for their pure love of science or their respect for Mr. Dunn, the Rocket club is an uplifting, no pun intended, club. 

The final science related club in the learn clubs is a new club to CHS. The Envirothon team was created by Mrs. Zier. Envirothon is an environmental and natural resource conservation problem-solving, teambuilding and leadership experience. Together, the team of five members compete in different areas of competition with many other teams from around the area. 

Moving forward to a different subject of education, the Spanish club. Senora Eaton, both sponsor and CHS Spanish teacher, brings in a different Hispanic cultural singer for her students to enjoy. This year, like many past years, Edgar Rene performed in the Breyer Auditorium for not only Carterville students, but many other surrounding school students.  

Educators Rising, sponsored by Mr. Coleman, is a club for future educators. Students who want to become teachers in the future are encouraged to join this club. The club gives students numerous opportunities to experience things teachers do to educate the future children of tomorrow. 

The last of the learn clubs are health related clubs. Health Occupations Club (HOC) is a newer club to CHS. Mr. Davis sponsors the newfound club after being approached by several students in previous years for a club that gives them opportunities to learn about the different careers in the healthcare system. 

The Athletic Trainer’s Student Aide (ATSA) was brought here from up north by junior Ava Basolo. ATSA gives students opportunities to learn about sports medicine from CHS’ athletic trainer, Greg McDaniels. ATSA teaches students about the different sports injuries and sports information. 

All 21 of these clubs and organizations are offered at CHS and gives students a variety of outlets to be themselves and to get involved in things outside of sports at CHS.