Magic in the Math Department

Mr.Towers Harry Potter cards that he does magic tricks with.

Alyssa Nausley, Staff Writer

In order to engage and persuade his students to participate in class, Mr. Towers incorporates magic tricks into his lessons. Mr. Towers does his favorite magic tricks at the beginning of class to get things rolling. He mostly does card tricks with his Harry Potter deck.

Mr. Tower’s magic tricks help students be productive in his class. His magic tricks capture their attention and helps them to focus. Sophomore Mercedes Levesque says, “I think they were an excellent way to get the class in a good mood, and telling people he would show them more after the lesson kept people engaged.” 

Mr. Towers uses many memory magic tricks like the one where he has a student pick a card, they memorize it, he puts it back in a pile, and he then picks out the card that the student had. Sophomore Mercedes Levesque says,  “My favorite trick was the one where he wrote a card down on a sticky note and then had you pull a card that ended up being the same one that he wrote down.”

Mr. Towers also has a second memory magic trick when he has a student draw a card from the pile and put the card down on the table, and Mr. Towers then puts a card right beside it and the card should be different. “I think it helped people feel more comfortable and like we were all just friends watching some tricks” Mercedes Levesque explains that she feels Mr. Towers magic tricks help the students feel comfortable.

Some people think his magic tricks are good and help students focus, talk, and participate more in class. Mr. Towers does a fantastic job at doing his magic tricks. A lot of people love them.