Off Season Chats

CHS wins sectional last baseball season. Picture credit Southern.

Macey Lentz, Staff Writer

After a successful 20 years of coaching junior high and high school baseball,  Carterville´s Bobby Jackson has decided to resign from coaching. Bobby has made an impact on several of his players. Senior Colin Stewert has played for Coach Jackson since Jr. High School, and he said, “I loved playing for Bobby. He made baseball a lot of fun and made me a better athlete.¨ 

Many of Jackson’s former athletes said that they will miss the way that he coached the most. Senior James Dawson said, ¨The way Bobby coached was unique in all my years of playing baseball. My favorite coach has been Mr. Jackson because of the way he coached.¨ 

Although many are saddened by Coach Jackson’s decision, many of the baseball players are excited for new beginnings. The Carterville baseball program will be taken over by new coaches Coach Bittle, Nathan Emrick and Reid Cure. Coach Emrick says, ¨I’m excited, it’s been about 7 or 8 years since I have coached boys baseball. I’m excited to work with the guys and build relationships with them not only from the baseball standpoint but from the characteristics and help them become better men and athletes.¨ 

Several of the players said that they are excited for the upcoming season and all of the possibilities that it could hold. Colin Stewart also said that ¨I was a little nervous hearing that we have new coaches, but after going to several of the open fields I am ready to get to know them.¨