Winter Sports: Masks and 6 Feet Apart
“I love playing with my teammates and the chemistry we have with one another. I also love playing with my little sister, Amayah. I just love basketball in general, so I’m absolutely happy to be on the court” says Junior Alecia Doyle.
March 5, 2021
Carterville High School has been making many transitions during this school year. In the beginning of the school year, CHS got informed that students were not allowed to play sports without masks and social distancing. Therefore, many students had various opinions on playing sports with masks and social distancing. But, changes were made and now students are allowed to participate in any sport they want to be in.
Many students have decided to play sports this year even though everyone has to wear a mask at all times. Ashlyn Harris (10) said, ”I am glad they started back up it gives all of us athletes something to do and I am really glad that the seniors at least are having somewhat of a season even if it isn’t a normal one. The masks at first weren’t ideal but after getting used to them they aren’t as bad as everyone thinks and if we are getting to play I don’t think any of us really mind it. My favorite part about playing sports is probably just the team aspect of it. You get to become closer with people you maybe never would have and during high school you get to build a relationship with people from every grade not just your own.” Ashlyn Harris has many opinions on sports starting back up but she overall is excited that she gets to play sports with her friends.
In addition, Averi Vanderzille (12) enjoys playing sports and she said, “I am so excited that we get to start playing again. I didn’t think that we would get a chance to play, so I’m so thankful that we got started. It’s a whole new system, but we are making it work. The masks were rough at first and took time to get used to, but we’ve learned to play with them. I am willing to do whatever I need to so I can play. My favorite part about sports is the competition. I am a very competitive person, and I love working with my team to be successful. I also love the friendships that I make and will keep for a lifetime.” Averi is overall glad that sports started up again even if she has to wear a mask during games and practices.
Even though students are now expected to wear a mask at all times during practices and games, they also must stay six feet apart at all times. Even though sports this year may be different in many ways students still appreciate that we actually get to play this year. Student Addison Wallace (10) said,” I am very excited for sports to start back up! Wearing a mask kind of sucks and they are harder to breathe in, but if wearing a mask allows me to be able to play volleyball and basketball I am here for it. My favorite part about playing sports is probably being able to play with my friends and playing sports I love.” Addison loves the fact that she can play sports with her friends again after the long pause of not being able to play volleyball and basketball.
However, students such as Olivia Russell (10) said, “I love that we are getting the chance to play again! However, we went from doing nothing and playing at least 3 games a week, so it is pretty exhausting. But still love that everything is starting to get back to normal. Playing in a mask at first was very difficult, however after time you get pretty used to it. My favorite part about sports is the people you get to play with because the girls you play with you may not hang out with much, but during the season you all feel like family and it’s nice to have a support system like that.”
Overall, students have different points of views on sports starting back up since there was a pause for high contact sports, but students love that they are finally able to play sports with all of their friends even if they have to wear masks during practice and games.