Remote Learning or not?

Students use google classroom with the teachers and get assignments

Hannah Dunn, Staff Writer

This 2020-2021 school year at CHS consists of remote learning. Remote learning is basically where some students had the choice to do online schooling at home full time. The students also had the choice to go school two days a week and do online the rest of the week.

 Remote can be difficult sometimes because some of the assignments that the teachers assign do not make a lot of sense, and students may need more explanation on what to do on the assignment. Many students had varied opinions on their thoughts and feelings about weather remote learning was better than in-person learning.   

Every student has many opinions and thoughts on remote learning. Anah Vaughn (12) said, “ I would rather be going to school everyday; I’m a very busy person outside of school. Going to school would help me get a lot more of my work done a lot faster.” However, Anah did state that she enjoyed being remote when she said, “Being able to get more hours at work since I’m not at school.”

Some students are really enjoying remote learning. Heidi Gentry (12) said, “I like remote learning because now since I’ve been learning remotely, I am more focused, and the work is spaced out so it gives me enough time to get my work done. I can work at my own pace which helps a lot, and I am not being rushed to finish an assignment. Being at home is more relaxing, and I can spend more time with my family.” 

Most students consider remote learning enjoyable. Mackenzie Parshudie (12) said, “My favorite part about remote learning is having a few extra days out of school and not having much school work to do but enough to still keep up with school and keep good grades.” Mackenzie also responded by saying, “I chose to go in two days a week just in case I needed more clarification on any assignments.”

Even though previous students said they enjoyed remote learning, some students said they would like to change some things about remote learning. Cheyann Flora (12) said, “ [I would change] the amount of time we have to turn in homework; we should get more time to turn in assignments.”

 However, Cheyann also said that she enjoys some aspects of remote learning. She said, “What I like about remote learning is how I can stay more organized and keep up with my work. Also, I can pick where and when I like to study as well as have more free time.”

 Overall, many students have different thoughts and opinions about remote learning and some like it better than others.