Tis’ the Season What’s Up With The Class of 2020?
December 17, 2019
One Last Time
As we enter the holiday season, there comes a time of dread among high school students in the midst of an otherwise joyful time. FINALS. It is a word that haunts us all in the halls of the high school. While some hold on for the last chance of a GPA change, others fail under the pressure of the stress that finals bring. For the class of 2020, this coming exam week marks the final winter exams of their high school careers. While some would see this as a praise and a good thing, others see it as a scary time. To combat against the struggles of ending the semester, many senior students have found systems of survival during this hard time. Upon searching through the halls of the high school, many different study plans arose. For Lydia Nelson, flashcards have been her sanity when studying. “I tend to begin studying three to four days before my tests and take in small amounts of information at a time. Flashcards are a super easy way for me to challenge myself while studying,” she said on her experiences over the years. Other students go about studying at a different approach. Interviewees were also asked how they felt about taking their final set of winter finals. “They kill my vibe.” said Senior Zach Roy about his feelings on the subject. Finals are a time of great stress for all students but, let us all remember the semester ends with a few weeks off of school!
20 Study Tips for the Class of 2020:
- Keep your grades up! Just because the SAT’s have already happened does NOT mean that colleges do not still look at your grades!
- DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! That deadline that seems like it is so far in the future is going to get here before you know it.
- Study Alone! Typically, study groups tend to get off topic and become a social hour. There is plenty of time to catch up on the gossip after your exams.
- Find a Place that you Feel Comfortable! Do not put yourself in a place that is going to take you away from your studies.
- Flashcards! You can always just look at your notes, but for a more Q and A type of studying, flashcards are your new best friend.
- Eat Healthy! Junk food makes you sleepy and coffee/energy drinks wear off quickly. Nutritious foods are the energy you need.
- Study Breaks are Okay! Too much information can make your brain run on fumes. 15 minute breaks can help your brain recuperate and control stress.
- Only Focus on the Important Topics! You will go crazy studying every little scribble you wrote during the semester.
- SLEEP! You will hate yourself when you are too tired to take the test because you stayed up all night!
- Get help! It’s okay to ask questions while preparing for a test, after all, better to learn the information now rather than struggle during the test.