Pumpkin Path
November 1, 2019
What did you do on Halloween? Go trick or treating? Go to a party? Maybe you went to the Pumpkin Path? The Pumpkin Path is an annual Trick or Treating event in downtown Carterville sponsored by the Carterville Chamber of Commerce for anyone in Carterville to enjoy on Halloween from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. There is something for everyone.
I talked to Carterville High School junior, Mackenzie Parshudie, about being excited about going to the Pumpkin Path. I asked her what she was most excited for and she said, “I can’t wait to get enough candy to last me until Christmas.” I hope that works out for her!
The Pumpkin Path always has free food for everyone. There are hot-dogs, chips, and drinks. This is a wonderful thing for the Carterville Chamber of Commerce to do. Since there is food there, parents can be less worried about their children eating sugar!
There is also music. In the middle of the street, there is a DJ who plays music appropriate for children. Children are free to come to the middle of the street and show off their dance moves. This is a very good way for the children to be active and have fun.
An obvious perk of going to the Pumpkin Path is the candy! Along the street, businesses set up booths for the children to walk to and get candy. Sometimes businesses even hand out flyers to promote their business.
The costumes are amazing. Every year there are new costumes that are very creative. People really think out of the box and find ways to incorporate whatever the new trend is at the time into their costumes. This year so many kids dressed up as toys from the new Toy Story 4.
I talked to kindergartener Spencer Hickam and asked what his favorite thing about going trick or treating was. He said, “My favorite thing is all the candy!” Candy seems to be a pretty common favorite when it comes to Halloween.
The Pumpkin Path is a great way for children to get involved with Halloween. There are a ton of kids who had a great time tonight and that will continue for every year that they have the Pumpkin Path.