Artistic Spotlight: Ashley Woolard
May 2, 2019

Ashley Woolard, a sophomore at Carterville High School, exceeds every expectation pertaining to the embodiment of a student fully committed to the arts.
Ashley has participated in almost all of the arts offered at Carterville High School. Out of the many groups she is a part of, choir is Ashley’s favorite to participate in. Ashley’s main inspiration was her sisters: “Shay and Courtney were older than me so I always looked up to them, and they were who inspired me to join choir,” Ashley said when asked about her inspirations.
Additionally, in seventh grade, she began choir and soon after she discovered her love for music; Ashley has been a part of the choir ever since. She even decided to try out concert choir this year, which she has enjoyed so far.
After finding her love for music, Ashley chose to participate in Carterville High School’s musicals and plays: Shrek, Guys and Dolls, and It’s a Wonderful Life. In the play, It’s a Wonderful Life, Ashley performed as a background character, in Shrek she participated as a Dulac character, and lastly she was a mission doll for Guys and Dolls.To go along with the plays and musicals Ashley also took one semester of theater her freshman year.
Along with all of her other talents, Ashley is even somewhat artistically inclined when it comes to painting with watercolors, but she does say she struggles with sketching and acrylic paint. These skills she possesses were practiced and demonstrated during her art class with Mr. Breeden in Jr. High School.
Ashley is truly blessed and talented when it comes to the arts, although the future is inevitable, it can be easily reasoned that she has a successful road ahead of her.