The Show Must Go On
November 26, 2018

Ichabod comments on the sounds with his fellow ladies during a scene from Sleepy Hollow.
Thursday morning, November 15, 2018, the cast and crew members of Carterville High School’s fall production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow were saddened to hear that school was cancelled due to snow the previous night. They couldn’t wait to perform the play they had spent weeks upon weeks preparing for.
“In the 8 years that I have directed Carterville fall productions, winter weather has never been an issue. Luckily, I had been talking to the administration about inclement weather plans” expatiated co-director Josh Hall regarding the weather issues.
Fortunately, the production only lost one show due to roads being cleared and snow melting quickly that day. The next day, Carterville High School performed for Carterville Intermediate and Carterville Junior High School for matinees. Both teachers and children alike loved the show and were astounded by the amazing performances from the students. Joshua Hall commented that the audiences were “blown away.”
Later that evening, the students performed for their paying audience, involving members across the community. Carterville High School gave it their complete effort and audiences took notice. It was said by the directors that this production received the most compliments they’ve ever heard from their productions. Viewers loved the show, the hard work from the cast and crew, and were in wonder of the wooden horses.
Art teacher Bruce Breeden and construction teacher Mike Fleming, with the help of several students, constructed larger than life animatronic horses operated by puppeteers inside. They were a major achievement by the teachers and students, striking amazement with audiences.
“I thought it was impressive to see my peers be able to perform that well on a stage. I thought it was well acted and entertaining throughout” were Freshman Dylan Stanley’s thoughts on the production.
Former Carterville student Addie Baker stated that, “I thought it was pretty good; I loved the costumes and everyone in the show did a really good job!”
Sunday afternoon they put on one last show for another paying audience by once again performing their hearts out and working very hard to make their last show as great as it could be. As all last shows go at Carterville High School, the cast and crew honored their seniors as they completed their final show.
“It was bittersweet. It was a great show to end on, and a great cast to spend time with. It’s nice to finally have free time but I’ll miss doing shows. It’s always fun” was Senior Elizabeth Bush’s thoughts on her final production at CHS.
All good things must come to an end, and the seniors were happy to end it on an amazing and strong production. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at Carterville High School was a terrific production that was truly bittersweet.