iPhone Disabled


Myah Richards, Head Editor & Lexus Burroughs and Emily Boshera, Staff Writers

Carterville High School has implemented a new phone rule for the 2017-2018 school year. This new phone  rule has caused quite the discussion as many students have struggled with adapting to the new guidelines. The rule states that all electronic devices must be turned off and left in lockers from 8:25 a.m. to 3:18 p.m. but does allow access during the lunch hours.

The phone rule for the past few years was called the “Bring your own device rule” as Mr. Rogers states it. This rule allowed students to use their devices for educational use only. Over the years, students began to abuse their phone privileges which lead to teachers instructing their own device rules in the classroom.

When speaking to teachers, administrators, and students, there was a large variety of responses. Senior Fidel Campbell states,“I don’t think this rule is necessary because what if we need to get on skyward or work on a presentation and the computers are down or we have no lab pass? They expect us to just sit there and take an L.” When speaking with students, many are against this new rule as it keeps them from accessing more than just social media, but also educational platforms. Science teacher Mr. Dunn claims “This change was necessary. But, only to an extent. Teachers sometimes will have students take a picture of the board or notes.” Teachers and Administrators had mixed views as many of them saw pros and cons to both the previous and present electronic rule. Although circumstances have changed, there is no telling to what the future may hold.