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On Thursday March 29th, Carterville High School underwent a day of testing. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors spent their morning taking a practice SAT test to prepare them for their future exams. Seniors, since they had already taken the SAT, had the opportunity to take a practice AP test. The seniors could choose AP exams from three subjects: English, Chemistry, and Calculus. If they chose not to take an exam, seniors, with the permission of a parent, could have been excused for a college visit, job shadowing, or community service.
When speaking with those who participated in the testing day, there were great reviews about both SAT and AP tests. Mrs. Gibbs, who lead the AP Chemistry exam for students, said, “Over sixty percent of the class took the mock AP Chemistry Exam last Thursday, and several more took the test home to time themselves on their own. These students got the experience of sitting through a full-length exam and working all types of questions they are likely to see. Several students mentioned they didn’t feel as intimidated after taking the mock exam. Not only is the experience a good one, but my students also get to analyze their mock scores to optimize their studying.” Both teachers and students felt as if the event on Thursday would immensely help improve their scores and better prepare them for the real exam.
While the seniors were testing, the rest of the grades were preparing for the SAT. Sophia Maring, a sophomore, stated, “This practice test gave me more of an idea of what the actual test would be like. It prepared me for the time management of the test and the wording of the questions.” Sophia still has one more year before she actually takes the SATs here at the high school; however, through days like these, she will be well prepared for when the real test comes around. Juniors, however, have the actual SAT coming up here soon on April 10th. When talking to the juniors, Serena Suni said, “Honestly, taking one practice test in school, timed, did teach me some useful information. For example, the gym is very cold, and in the future I need to be aware of this. I also learned that college board (official) practice SATs actually differ slightly from tests created by other companies. The rhythm and style of questions is slightly different on an official SAT.” Serena has been studying and practicing outside of school as well. All juniors have had the opportunity for evening study sessions at the high school hosted by the teachers.
Overall, the day was very productive and the students were then rewarded with a relaxing afternoon watching National Treasure in the auditorium with their friends. Carterville High School has taken many good opportunities to prepare their students not only for upcoming important tests, but for their future higher education and career.