Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Kelsie Jennings, Staff Writer

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes became an association on November 10th, 1954, when an Oklahoma basketball coach had the dream to start an organization that would feature professional athletes who lived for God and shared their faith. This was his idea to create an outreach program to influence the youth of the nation. The corporation has now been influencing thousands for over sixty years.

FCA has grown considerably in the time it has spent doing outreach ministries. It went from one small group fellowshipping and growing in God’s word, to 17,783 certified huddles, or FCA groups, all around the world with a total of 62 countries involved.

The vision and mission statement of FCA is “To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. Also, to present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.” Not only are the students ministered to in a school setting, but they are also taught how to reach out to those around them.

There are many ways to get involved in the local FCA at Carterville High School. Listen for announcements of when the next meeting is, talk to a member on how to get involved, talk to Mrs. Martin the leader of our school huddle, and join in on the Carterville FCA remind to get updates. Carterville FCA has meetings at least once a month, that include a devotional where  teachers or student leaders teach a lesson and have an activity. Carterville FCA welcomes and invites anyone who wants to come to get involved and enjoy the fellowship and fun they have.

Everyone involved in FCA has had good things to say about the club. Will Levins, a senior, and  Huddle Leader in Carterville FCA says the best parts about being involved in FCA is “Getting to spread the message and make some new friends. We’re a close-knit group that always has a good time together.” The sponsor, Mrs. Martin also said “Students should get involved because being in FCA provides a group of friends that encourage each other in their walk of faith and help each other be more bold as we minister to others. FCA is also a good way to keep God in schools.” Being in FCA is a major positive influence in students lives.

FCA is not only for student athletes, it started as a sports oriented event but students who do not play sports are more than welcome as well. Anyone who desires to get involved is encouraged to come to a meeting or a game day and see what it is all about. Meetings are normally before school in the community room off the cafeteria or in the auxiliary gym. Watch the announcements for when the next meeting is and come join in!

